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Dib & Dob and the Journey Home – Week 3


Today, It’s stage manager Sandi’s turn to blog as Dib & Dob continues it’s successful tour.

It’s our third week of touring, and we’re really starting to get into the swing of things. Our huge set seems less huge every day, and we’re all building tons of muscle carrying it in and out of schools!

A beautiful mural brightens the halls of Queen Victoria Public School

One of the best days this week was Friday. We had two shows at the same school. The morning show was for JK to grade 2, and the afternoon was grades 3 and 4. It was such an interesting experience to see such a huge difference in audiences! The younger group was so full of energy and excitement, while the older ones were very thoughtful. It was so much fun to see such varied reactions just an hour apart.

So, for now, we say good-bye to our favorite people and pets in Toronto and head to London for the week. We also plan to pack bathing suits because we hear our hotel has a pool!


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